Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy

ISSN 2196-5625 CN 32-1884/TK

2023 MPCE Editorial Board Meeting Held in Orlando, FL, USA
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2023 MPCE Editorial Board Meeting Held in Orlando, FL, USA


2023 MPCE Editorial Board Meeting was successfully held in Orlando, FL, USA during the IEEE PES General Meeting in July 2023. The meeting included a welcome speech addressed by the Editor-in-Chief, MPCE annual work report, publication schedule of special sections, publicity activities and promotion plans, as well as a discussion session.


The Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Yusheng Xue, Academician of the Chinese Acadamy of Engineering and Honorary President of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, warmly welcomed all associate editors that attended this meeting. He was happy to meet the editors in person during the PES General Meeting after four years. This year is the 10th anniversary of MPCE publication. In his welcome speech, Prof. Xue congratulated MPCE for entering JCR Q1 (Impact Factor 6.3), and thanked all editorial board members for their hard work and support. He also welcomed new associate editors for joining the MPCE editorial board. Finally, he noted that the 10th anniversary was a new start for MPCE and wished MPCE greater progress.



Following Prof. Xue's speech, the Senior Editorial Advisor to Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Bikash Pal (Imperial College London, UK), made MPCE 2022-2023 annual working report. The excellent associate editor award and editorial service award were also announced. Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Xue, presented the awards to the winners.



Next, the Vice-Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Antonio Gomez-Exposito (University of Seville, Spain), introduced the special sections published in the last three years and publication plan for 2024. He attended the meeting online and called on associate editors to give more valuable suggestions for special sections.



Vice-Editor-in-Chief, Prof. C. Y. Chung (The Hong Kong Polytechnical University, China), introduced MPCE promotion activities in the past year. He thanked the associate editors that contributed in this work, and proposed further suggestions and schedules for journal promotion.



Finally, the associate editors and experts had discussions regarding special sections, paper quality, peer-review workflow, early-access pbulication, journal promotion, etc.



The meeting gathered valuable suggestions from international experts that helped MPCE improve quality as well as international influence.


Published date:2023-07-20Click: